Introducing the ExamOnline Secure web browser Chrome Extension: Boosting Trust in Online Exams! Step into the future of online assessments with our latest Chrome extension for the ExamOnline Examination Platform. This powerful tool is a game-changer in the battle against unfair exam practices. Challenges are inevitable for recruiters, educators, and exam supervisors facing the issue of cheating. Frequent high-stakes exams and the logistics of arranging on-site supervisors can be overwhelming. Our solution? Online proctoring technology, lightening the load. Harnessing modern technology, ExamOnline empowers exam administrators, teachers, and recruiters to virtually connect with candidates, no matter where they are. Our Remote Proctoring Feature provides this capability. With our extension, administrators can monitor candidates screens in real time during the exam and even afterward, ensuring an impartial assessment. Imagine a proctor at a traditional exam center – our extension replicates this virtual oversight, discouraging any unfair practices. And remember, ExamOnline values privacy. Once the exam concludes, our access to screens is revoked. In a world seeking reliable assessments, ExamOnline shines. Fusing technology and integrity, were leaving cheating behind, ushering in an era of trustworthiness. Welcome to an improved world of online testing with ExamOnline!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Examonline : Screen Sharing Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Examonline : Screen Sharing Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
This is the chrome extention for the AI-Proctor system. Find more information about the system at
Chrome extension for screen sharing
Lets you share your screen when taking an online exam on ProctorExam -
This extension is required for LogIQids Online Exam
WebConnect Screenshare Extension
Chrome Extension for sharing screen in video chat
POCU Proctor
Extension to proctor candidate
This chrome extension allows you to share full screen of your computer privately and securely.
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